Bug Report Avermedia Live Gamer HD small issue

I set the card to 720p(to get 60fps) if you switch from a 720p source to a 1080p one it will zoom in on a corner and if you switch from a 1080p source to a 720p source it freezes on a static image of what was on pre-switch.

I can fix it by going in and refreshing the source but it's tiresome.


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Are you saying that the bug is that it's getting stuck on a frozen image despite having changed settings? If so then yea, that still is a currently known bug that's been around for quite some time.
Frozen sometimes, zoomed in on the upper right corner at others. When going from 720 to 1080 you get the corner, when going from 1080 to 720 you get the freeze.


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You mean upper left? If you change resolutions, it may just be increasing the size of the source to larger than your stream size -- when you change the resolution of the device OBS will resize the source according to that new size, relative to its current size. That's actually intentional design currently.

The freeze thing is a known issue that sometimes happens when changing settings -- I thought it was resolved, but if you're still getting it it may not be.