Question / Help Avermedia Live Gamer HD locked to 30fps


Hi all,

Does anyone own this card and recently come across an issue whereby no matter what settings are used in OBS it is locked at a 30fps capture?

I am aware the card cannot capture at 60fps at 1080p so am attempting to do this at 720p but cannot seem to snap out of the 30fps lock.

Wierdly playback on Twitch VODS does show 30fps vs 60fps (here: and here: but as you can see both videos are actually running at 30fps

Any suggestions?

I am using the latest version of OBS and the latest Avermedia drivers released a couple of days ago,


Update for anyone looking into this.

It would appear by rolling back my drivers (which I very luckily had a copy of) from this week's updated ones fixed the issue entirely (apart from the ongoing 'stutter' that appears to be an issue).

What on earth are AverMedia playing at?


Sorry to bump this thread rather than make another but it is all related so seems to make sense.

The original problem (which is why I updated drivers) is that when streaming at 60fps every now and again the screen stutters. OBS still shows framerate at 60fps, but it is as if it is only encoding a 30fps stream.

This happens randomly and for a few seconds,

Anyone got any idea on why this would be happening.

It does the same thing if turn off encoding while previewing.


New Member
I actually noticed this happening lately too, it seems to fix itself temporarily if I simply enter the "configure" panel for the C985 which is unrelated to FPS at all.

This seems to be a recent issue with OBS, one of the last few updates is causing the FPS to lock at 30 frames for whatever reason.

A solution would be nice.


New Member
Nothing was changed in OBS related to capture devices for the last few updates.

Very strange then, its only a recent issue, OBS has been streaming at fluid 60 FPS in the past.

Do you have any ideas why I have refresh the device to acquire 60 fps again?


It is very strange this one (aren't all tech queries!).

Recent stream here:

I didn't drop a single frame in 4:37:36 but you will notice that at times the video seems to drop to 30fps but not really. By that I mean it is as if for short periods OBS encodes at 60fps but only every other frame which gives the impression of a 30fps video with stutter. I can't really explain it.

I'm not sure what is going on to be fair. Sometimes I can reload the VOD and the sections that looked janky then look fine. Is it something Twitch have changed?

Whatever is going on the one thing that I can say for 100% certain is that in the preview window of OBS I can see stutter at times - this is NOT apparent in that section on the VOD however.

*head explode*


Forum Moderator
Okay so you guys are using the new RECentral package from and having this FPS issue correct? Does rolling back to the last driver package from fix the issue? You don't even need to install RECentral, the driver-only package should be sufficient.

(Cross-posting to a few different threads about this issue instead of merging them all into one)


New Member
Grumbul, do you still have those drivers downloaded? I know its been a long time but I just got this card and it I have the same issue you had. The problem is I cant roll back to the working drivers because they're no longer available. So if you have it can you maybe upload it somewhere?


New Member
Confirming the problem:
Driver:3.3.x.52 - always 30 fps, sound 'stutter' every 30-40 sec
Driver:3.3.x.42 - some times fps fall, sound 'stutter' every 30-40 sec
If i use as sound source capture card, the sound and video goes async. So i have to pass audio from card to the system audio and than capture it, but it's 'stutters'. Still no solution of this problem?