Question / Help Avermedia C985 Text Blurry/Unreadable!


New Member
I know its not an OBS problem and i have posted on the Avermedia forums but some times you get a better response here also someone else may have the same problem.

Hi i have had this card a couple of months and have noticed text is blurry to unreadable, i have tried this on my dual pc set up and today on my gameing pc with the same results.
I have tried different HDMI leads and i get the same results in OBS and Xsplit so its not software.
Some people seem to be able to stream games like BF3 which i want to stream without this problem, i have tried multiple options including diff res etc but the same.
So should i try returning i mean i know some people said its a problem so is it luck of the draw with the card?
I enclose a test vid from my stream showing and explaining the problems.
Thanks in advance


At first glance it's almost as if the aspect ratio is slightly off, like 16:9 vs 16:10. Anyhow, a question -- if you stream without using it, does it appear normal?


New Member
Hi well even if i put the card in my gameing pc its the same and the ratio is right when i stream in Twitch so its very strange. I will try without the card using software capture and see.


Just capture normally, like most of us without capture cards capture -- so, Game Capture or Window Capture (with Aero Enabled). If it looks normal when you do then obviously it's the card. Which seems odd, why would it distort just the text? But, well... your expression "Luck of the draw" does apply to hardware. Faulty copies do unfortunately sometimes roll off the factory lines.


New Member
Hi i just tried software cap and the text isnt no way as bad, im doing dual pc streaming to take stress off of my Gameing PC its cost a bit of money thats the whole point so im not going back to software streaming BF3 is very heavy CPU intensive game software capture takes a big hit, so need to sort this out somehow.


If you set OBS up properly it does use quite a bit of hardware acceleration actually; I'm not sure why you would insist on calling it software streaming. But, well... either way, you need to get that card sorted out, yes.


Forum Admin
What resolution output are you using on the card? It looks like it's upscaling a low resolution. Make sure the output matches the input resolution.


New Member
hi its 1280 x 720 i have that set in every seeting in obs and on the card
My desktop(monitor) and game are 1920x1080, the card should take care of that once you set the card.


Forum Admin
Try running the card at 1920x1080 in OBS and letting OBS handle the downscaling, it will likely produce better quality.


New Member
Right well an update by the way i have tried lots of different resolutions and the same reult.
Well i went to my 120hz monitor and changed to 60hz just to try and sure enough the text is now readable.
But this is no good if i can't play at 120hz, and i know other people play fine same setup 120hz gameing monitor then the card on their streaming pc. Anyway changed it back to 100-120hz and the text seems to still be readable so i don't understand quite what i have done because you would think changing it back to 120 it would be unreadable again, so a mystery.
I need to try again on my dual setup again now fingers crossed.