Question / Help Avermedia C985 Audio issues


New Member
Does anyone else have problems with this card's Audio In port, it works fine if i use Xsplit, or if i use
RecCentral that is supplied with the card, but it seems OBS is not properly initializing the cards
audio IN input, its the best way to get audio in the stream when using a Dual computer Setup
as if you do it thru mic or other inputs it becomes overboosted and to loud/Garbled.

Right now i have to do a bizzare trick with Reccentral by forcing it to stream while OBS is streaming
and using the card, Reccentral will error saying card is in use but it will initialize the Audio in jack
allowing Sound to go in thru the stream using Capture cards audio in jack, otherwiseit just wont
stream any sound.

Anyone else having this problem? Bear in mind im streaming using 2 computers.
Machine A: HDMI video adapter out and Sound out from Soundcard
Machine B: Sound and Video in thru C985/Live Gamer HD Capture card


heros in an halfshel
The HDMI sound device on the C985 is separate, you most likely have to select it from the sound device list on the right hand side of the properties for the video capture device source.


New Member
paibox said:
The HDMI sound device on the C985 is separate, you most likely have to select it from the sound device list on the right hand side of the properties for the video capture device source.

Yes i know its seperate i dont use Audio comming out of my HDMI because its a splitter. Audio is comming
directly from a Sound card going in to the C985's Audio in Jack. and inside the Video Sources i have it set to use Device
which is supposed to be the Capture card, other device in there is Steromix and that doesnt work because no audio
is going in to that computers soundcard, it only goes in thru the Capture card's Audio in, like i mentioned
by tricking Reccentral it will initialize the Capture cards Sound port and i can stream with audio fine but its a hassle.


heros in an halfshel
If you're not sending audio over HDMI, you should select "(Use Device Audio)", not the separate HDMI sound device. Also open the crossbar to make sure that it's set to use the proper audio jack.