Automatic tracking with PTZ camera


New Member

We use OBS to broadcast conferences.
The shooting is done by PTZ cameras that we manually control remotely.
Some, many, speakers are used to traveling during the presentation.
This makes it difficult to take close-ups because you have to constantly crop the camera.

We looked for a way to automatically track the speaker's movement.
ISpy software allows us to do this with ONVIF compliant camera.
But this requires setting up OBS + iSpy and switching between the two apps regularly to enable / disable tracking.
We did not find an OBS plugin that allows this automatic tracking in OBS.

Is there an OBS plugin that allows us to do this?
If no, is it possible to plan the development of a dedicated plugin?

We are not IT developers and we do not know how complex the solution is.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Thanks a lot for your help.


New Member
I would also use it.

I also did some reasearch how it could be developed and found it is definitelly possible.

If someone is interested, write here you are and how much you would pay for it, so potential developer seeking business could see demand here.