Automatic stream title plugin idea


New Member
I think that it would be neat to have a tool or plugin that causes the stream title to change so that the title of the game I am playing is automatically set depending on the scene active. It should grab that information from the steam client, and be compatible with YouTube, Twitch,kick and so on.

As a example, say that I have these scenes in OBS:
starting soon,
(The ones above sets stream title to just chatting)
game ,
(The above grabs the games title from steam,sets the correct category in Twitch and also sets playing game title in stream title)
ending stream.
( sets stream ending in stream title)


Active Member
That might be a better request for the Advanced Scene Switcher plugin, and request that it be installed by default like the WebSockets and Virtual Camera eventually were, and remove the Automatic Scene Switcher that it grew out of.
It'll already detect a scene change in several different ways with different nuances - pick the one that works for you - and a TON of other things as well!

That said, I believe the question *has* been asked over there, and the answer is that the API just doesn't exist for most of the streaming services. It *did* exist at one time for YouTube at least, but not anymore because spambots...