Question / Help Automatic Low Latency or Minimize Network Impact


New Member
I have had previous issues with my stream losing connection, and OBS wasnt per se, crashing, but i was losing twitch connection once every 3-7 hours and it would just time out.

Anyways, I finally fixed it by using the newest version of OBS [test build] + NOT checking minimize network impact.
The problem now is that ingame [I am a professional csgo player, so game being csgo] my ping will jump around [example being if i ping 30 to a texas server, it randomly hops up to 50~ish] and when that happens, my guns with lag when im pulling them out, the reloads glitch up etc.

Basically i can play with it but its not ideal at all, and this problem goes completely away with minimize network impact, but unfortunately for me, with it checked, I do not have a stable long term stream.

Any suggestions?

Im on time warner, 50 down/5 up, 3k bitrate, twitch server im using is dallas or san antonio, i ping 20 to those twitch servers as well.


Since you're already using CBR you can also Lower the bufsize .. this should neglect the down sides of MNI usually.


New Member
My max bitrate is at 3200 so I set my buffer to 1500, can I lower it? This drastically helped, but im wondering what my buffer should be set to, in order to still get good quality and performance