Automate 24/7 Stream for a scheduled Playlist

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
And new update.

Now you can sort file
- Sort A-Z
- Sort Z-A
- Random
- Random with Stop time
- Sort A-Z with Auto Refresh
- Sort Z-A with Auto Refresh
- Random with Auto Refresh

if you Select Folder in Add Source you got this:

Now you can choice add to folder new content and system add file, change duration of all next video materials.
Auto Refresh onyl works with unplayed material.

Link still the same.

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
what is your vision for this app. i.e. how would the average user, use this in a daily/weekly schedule
For me is almost done, i will only add loop daily, week, month.
I can set for whole day scheduler, it's my primary goal.
Program is very simply and working, I am proud of the program, especially if it is useful to someone.


For me is almost done, i will only add loop daily, week, month.
I can set for whole day scheduler, it's my primary goal.
Program is very simply and working, I am proud of the program, especially if it is useful to someone.
I am proud of you too. There is so many people that just want other people to do work for them with no thought of helping others. There is a core of passionate people being creative and helpful to others. This is really a community. Congrads.
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I am too. There is so many people (users only) that just want other people to do work for them and there is a few hard core people actually doing anything, like you. This is really a community. Congrads.
Sorry if I'm not able to actively contribute in programming, being not C++ programmer


Sorry if I'm not able to actively contribute in programming, being not C++ programmer
I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. There are lots of ways to contribute to the community. I've been helped a lot with ideas, suggestions etc. I really should not have used the word "user". I meant it in the people context type of thing, where people USE other people to get what they want and don't care about giving back, not the user of a app. or whatever someone has written. Maybe it's my hot button. I've been burned by people that are users. I think it's wonderful that there is a obs community with a huge number of people willing to share. I try to answer questions and help people as much as I can. Sometimes, I stick my foot in my mouth.

When I joined this forum, my purpose was not to write an app, but to join a community of people that was interested in 24/7. What to do, how to schedule, how to make a success, obstacles overcome, share experiences.

It's funny, you are the type of person, I really wanted to talk to.

Anyway, I apologize again.


For me is almost done, i will only add loop daily, week, month.
I can set for whole day scheduler, it's my primary goal.
Program is very simply and working, I am proud of the program, especially if it is useful to someone.
Haven't heard from you in a while. How's it going.
I'm still plugging away on my own version.


New Member
Hello everyone,
i want add new solution to scheduler, my first version work as html page, i'm not satisfied.
Now i got version as program on windows.

What you need:
OBS WebSocket (version 4.9.1) (zip file, selft unpack). version .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.7

View attachment 84822

Very simply app.
In OBS need 3 scenes.
Stop scene - after play last video, program switch to this scene
Scene 1 - first scene with first Media Source
Scene 2 - second scene with second Media Source

In this scenarion, program check time, if start time is exacly same load video to Media Source and run (first time Scene 1), on Start End on last file system switch to Stop scene.
Hello, your shedluer is interesting, but you can run only 2 scenes ?

Smart Net


The best way for 24/7 list proramming is to use Adwanced Scene Switcher - with TIME part.
+ create Scene, +create VLC/File or Browser (youtube list) and you good to start.

If you need to made changes... easy change timing at ASS (sorry for abriviation) or use Source to change content

Personally using that way for the year. Briliant result.



The best way for 24/7 list proramming is to use Adwanced Scene Switcher - with TIME part.
+ create Scene, +create VLC/File or Browser (youtube list) and you good to start.

If you need to made changes... easy change timing at ASS (sorry for abriviation) or use Source to change content

Personally using that way for the year. Briliant result.
Thank you for the info. I've seen adv scene switcher and admire it's flexibility. I've been working on my own program , that is a complete playout,24/7 scheduler. It can generate automatically content, months in advance. It uses all of obs composite /overlay abilities. I'm in the alpha test stages now. Doing general cleanup and test.

Smart Net

Thank you for the info. I've seen adv scene switcher and admire it's flexibility. I've been working on my own program , that is a complete playout,24/7 scheduler. It can generate automatically content, months in advance. It uses all of obs composite /overlay abilities. I'm in the alpha test stages now. Doing general cleanup and test.
Thanks for reply, would be great to test it with our tv channels and good luck with the development!


New Member
I'll be looking for beta testers in a while. Tell me about what you are doing.
I'd be pleased to beta depending on what you need bcoyle. I'm looking for a way to stream pre-recorded videos (my own productions) to YouTube (initially) from (at least) a playlist playing in order listed, or (desirable) scheduled by time of day (not necessarily different each day of the week or even month as yet). I'm also hoping to host this somewhere/how.
The nearest so far that I've found is to use VLC integration to create the playlist of media to play in OBS but am also going through the posts here looking at other people's ideas.

Many thanks for creating this thread.


I'd be pleased to beta depending on what you need bcoyle. I'm looking for a way to stream pre-recorded videos (my own productions) to YouTube (initially) from (at least) a playlist playing in order listed, or (desirable) scheduled by time of day (not necessarily different each day of the week or even month as yet). I'm also hoping to host this somewhere/how.
The nearest so far that I've found is to use VLC integration to create the playlist of media to play in OBS but am also going through the posts here looking at other people's ideas.

Many thanks for creating this thread.
Hi. please tell me about yourself and your what kind of things you are trying to do. You can PM me if you like. fyi: this is a windows program,NOT MAC .

I am running stability testing now on my youtube channel. : Take a look. at the live channel there. I'v programmed 3 days worth of a old program called the silent service. I limited it to 5 minutes each with commerial inserts and a 1 minute coming up guide. The program works off of templates (created and edited with a GUI - no coding or scripting necessary) which allows inserts, PSAs etc.

Making sure it can run for days on end without crashing or eating memory. The app can do playlists,scheduled playlists,full 24/7 scheduled tv broadcast style programming Anyway , take a look at the live channel going on.


New Member
Hi, I just need some script to get the currently playing video, display it, and save it to the file. I can modify the lua script, but I need some help to getting the index or video name of the currently playing video from the playlist that I use as a source. ex- VLC Video source..etc Please...


Hi, I just need some script to get the currently playing video, display it, and save it to the file. I can modify the lua script, but I need some help to getting the index or video name of the currently playing video from the playlist that I use as a source. ex- VLC Video source..etc Please...
sorry, Id like to help you, but I don't have any experience with scripts. if a video is playing, you could just push the record button and then change the record file name late. I assume it is not as simple as that.