Autodetect Base Resolution


New Member
Maybe this is harder to do than I am thinking. But, would it be possible to have OBS autodetect the base resolution to use in the video settings based on the source? I sometimes stream different stuff, and they're all at different resolutions. For example, I have Spelunky on 800x450 and VVVVVV at 640x480. It's just a bit annoying having to remember which resolution I have each game at so that I can update that setting.

If it's difficult for it to autodetect the base resolution (I could see this being an issue just in case someone changes resolutions), then maybe there could be an option when creating a source to have a "Forced Base Resolution" that will override the one in the video settings?


Forum Moderator
Have you tried using profiles? I have 512x480 for NES streaming, 640x480 for arcade streaming, and 1920x1200 for Starcraft 2. They're all in different profiles, and I just have the profile named after the game. Can't be much easier than that?


heros in an halfshel
If you use Window Capture for these games, you can just add a window capture for the game while not previewing and then click the "Set base resolution" button at the bottom left corner of the properties window for the window capture source.


New Member
Ah, I had noticed the profile menu, but I didn't know how to create a new profile and that it could change the global settings. That should definitely work for my purposes! Thanks for the info and sorry for the sort of premature suggestion thread!