Auto Scene Switcher (For Everything)


Hey guys,

I just wanted to share an idea:

Wouldn't it be nice, if OBS saves a list of used processes (like an archive) like this e.g.:
Process 1: LoLClient.exe
Process 2: firefox.exe
Process 3: Skype.exe
Process 4: sc2.exe
and so on..

And now you have a Menu like this:
[Select a process] = [Select a Scene]

Both are comboboxes and every time, the process is active, OBS switches automatically to this scene.

So it would be something like this:
[sc2.exe] = [SC2 Stream]
[lolclient.exe] = [LoL Stream]
[explorer.exe] = [Waiting Screen]

Additionally you have something like this by default:
[No-Exe-Selected] = [Home Scene]
So, if non of the declared scenes is active/available, it uses the "Home Scene".

Please tell me your opinion on this.




New Member
I like the idea.
Maybe not the "auto-collect-exe-function"... i prefer the other way around:

Right Click on Scene -> Bind to Program -> lolclient.exe

i think this would be easier


Is the idea so bad? ^^

Why not the "Autocollection-Exe-Function"? It will stay in a .txt-file in the same folder and go anywhere online.
The advantage is, that you can save the .txt-file, so you could save all your settings on the scenes additionally.

So, you can reinstall OBS, paste the .txt-file into the folder (or during the setup you get asked, if you had OBS before -> Choose the .txt-file and it will be automatically copied into the installation folder) and you have everything working again :)