Auto Pause Recordings

Aussie Andrew

New Member
Firstly, what a great program OBS is, I've only been using it a couple of days and it's already a favorite.

Just one small feature would make it perfect... I need some way to automatically pause recordings either based on a defined audio threshold (so the recording pauses when there's silence) or maybe pause until motion is detected on the source video.

I have absolutely no experience with scripts etc. but would it be possible to write a script or a plugin that would do what I need or is it something that needs to be added to the program itself?

Thanks in advance!


New Member
It's not exactly what you want but this was hard to find and did help me some. Maybe you will find it useful to:
Using ffmpeg command-line tool you can remove "no action" frames (just based on frames, not audio). I wish we could do it in real-time, but after is also a solution: