Question / Help Auto AFK change scene?


New Member
Is it possible for OBS to change your scene to another one (for example named "AFK") when the computer is not active for let's say 30 seconds? And/or to change to your last/specific scene when you come back?

Thanks for the time. :)


New Member
If you set a key to switch to that scene, I may be able to write a script in AutoHotkey to press that key after 30 seconds of keyboard or mouse activity. It's using an external script to do the job, but it'd work.


New Member
Bkid said:
If you set a key to switch to that scene, I may be able to write a script in AutoHotkey to press that key after 30 seconds of keyboard or mouse activity. It's using an external script to do the job, but it'd work.
I know AHK from when I botted NFS back in the days, so I'd love that script to be honest! I think that much more other people will find it interesting too! Would be thankful as hell if you do that for me in your free time! <3