Bug Report Audio Sync problem 720p and 360p transcoders


New Member
My stream still continually complains that I have a 1 second delay on all audio in 720p and 360p resolution settings. My channel is partnered with twitch and I stream 1080p which has no issues, but when people click the 720 and 360p options, they have delayed sound. I've tried the force audio to sync to video button checked and unchecked with no success. Any chance this can be looked in to? It's not affecting my viewership that much but there are definitely people who get annoyed by it and leave my stream if they don't have the bandwidth for my 1080p.




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Re: Audio Sync problem 720p and 360p

Do you run a webcam? Could you try out test build 11 with this? I'm curious to see if it changes anything, (though I doubt). Also, going to move this thread to the bug forum


New Member
I already experienced it 1 time, had to close obs and try again. no more issue after that so not sure if it wasn't on twitch end.

Try uSing CBR as twitch recommend it.


New Member
Going to stream with test build 11 tomorrow and let you know the results. I do stream with a webcam as well. The issue is in game sound when I fire a gun or get attacked or things like that where muzzle flash happens and then the sound plays about 1 second behind.

I'm also going to try using CBR.


New Member
CBR got complaints so I disabled it again. Test build 11 had no luck. Twitch has now given me 240p quality option as well which I will see if there are audio lag issues with today.


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Thank you for the information. I think I have an idea for the cause, but not a solution (as of yet). It'll be a pain to code, that's for sure.


Yeah, I've seen a lot of audio sync issues with Twitch's transcoded sources. Is there anything they could do on their end? Or is it just a matter of making the rtmp data more informative about audio timing for their transcoder?