Question / Help Audio Reverb with Dolby Surround (Corsair VOID USB)


New Member
I just switched to a Corsair void headset that utilizes Dolby 7.1 Surround from a logitech g35 that also used dolby surround (did not have this issue), and ever since the audio in my recordings has a terribly tinny sound / reverb that makes it impossible to listen to. My mic is the only thing in the entire recording uneffected.

This only started happening since switching to the new headset. Every single thread i have seen online that has to do with this topic is always unanswered, and after researching for over an hour for a solution with no luck, i decided to make an account and post here because im desperate for help with this.

The sound sounds perfectly fine in my headset, its just the recordings that sound god awful. Im normally very good with diagnosing computer issues and things of this nature but i have absolutely NO idea what to do here

NOTE: the issue does go away when dolby surround is turned off in the Corsair headset. in my logitech tho, i can have it on and it is all good

The issue happens in both OBS Studio and OBS classic. My obs classic post can be found here:


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Dont get your hopes up, but i may have a suggestion, as i had something similar happen.

Go to the mixer. The cog on the front screen of obs where you see your game volume, mic volume bars etc.

Once the mixer is open ensure that each line has only 1 tick in it. i once had my game on track 1, game and mic on track 2 and game mic and ts on track 3. as a result the game sounds were on 3 tracks and when played back the game sounded like a tinny, echoy pile of crap.

I hope this is whats happened as its a super easy fix for ya



New Member


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From the screen snip, they are both going to the same track.

Set one to track 1 and the other to track 2.
So one tick on top line on track 1
One tick on 2nd line in track 2

Also ensure in output settings that you are set to record 2 tracks.


New Member
Still need to try DamageInc's solution, but im just a little skeptical because the issue appears in Classic as well. alas, when i get home im still gonna try it

I think the issue might be stemming from the fact that windows doesnt appear to see the VOID as a surround sound device. When i look at the properties in the playback device manager, there isnt an enhancement tab or a surround sound tab, nor can i change the default format of the headset in the headphone properties. The VOID is being picked up as a headset while my G35 was picked up as a speaker. Just trying to provide as much info as possible to get the best assistance.

IDK im grasping at straws here at this point. if anyone else could also offer some help it would be super appreciated


New Member
no luck
tried my corsair VOID on a diff computer. im 99% sure its the way the headset handles audio. i think i have a solution oand if it works ill post here so others dont have to go through the same bs


New Member
Ok so if i record with Dolby Surround Sound on, and listen to the recording with it on, it sounds super echo-y and has a reverb, but if i record with Dolby Surround on and listen to the recording with it off, it sounds fine.


Active Member
I use Realtek HD audio equalizer
Reproducing my records with equalizer ON, re-equalizes and produces that echo-reverb.
Same as you said.
So, everything is OK.


New Member
Well i dont want the double echo is sounds terrible. Is that something that is unavoidable? will other people with surround sound headphones hear double echo as well? or is it exclusive to my computer?

Also EBrito im not entirely sure what you were trying to say tbh


Active Member
I mean this:
If you imrove somehow your sound, when you reproduce your own footage you get sound improved again.
This is what produces echo and reverberation.

So, your footage is good for everybody. It´s not recorded with echo nor reverberaton. It will reproduced with good audio (unless they improve audio too).
To check this, give a link to one of your videos. I´ll tell you if I get echo-reverb with and without the audio ecualization I use.


New Member
Dolby Enabled:
Dolby Enabled 2 (better than the first example imo):

Side tone disabled at the request of corsair support. Trying to work with them too.

My Corsair's mic is uneffected in all recordings (second dolby example was recorded prior to receiving the VOID). My theory is that because i recorded the video with surround sound on, and then am playing the video with my surround sound on, it is creating a "double surround sound" effect (like you said EBrito) on the audio that comes from my desktop. Being that my mic audio doesnt come from my desktop and is recorded from my headset, it is left uneffected. If you either record or listen with dolby on, and use stereo on the other, the sound is just "normal surround", at least to my ear. But if you record and listen to with stereo on both, it sounds like stereo. Just my theory on what is happening.


Active Member
OK, I´ve seen the videos.
As you say, in third one I can hear too the echo, only with my ecualizer on.
So, as you say (and I said befoire): audio is good, except when you watch your own video.


New Member
So you think i can play/record with it on? Ill only hear it while im editing it due to my set up?
Doesnt seem like there is much of another solution as far as i can tell besides to YOLO it and pray people are listening to it with stereo headphones


New Member
Lol thats so weird, but as long as it sounds okay for everyone else thats ultimately the most important thing