Question / Help Audio Question


New Member
I've been trying out OBS (Coming from Xsplit) the last few days and I really love it so far! But there's one thing I'm having trouble with. When capture from my main PC to the PC with OBS, it picks up the audio from the game no matter what scene I use. In Xsplit, it would only do this when I had a scene with the capture active. I could easily switch to a "break" scene and play some music, but with OBS, it will still play the audio from the game. Am I missing something?



The Helping Squad
Did you add your Capture Device as a global source? A global source stays active after being started in a scene it is present.
If this is not the case, please tell us about your setup, what capture card you use, and maybe attach a logfile of OBS.


New Member
Ah that would explain it, thanks for the response. I am using it as a global source. Don't have much choice though, I get like a 1 second freeze when I try to switch scenes if I don't. Global source keeps it smooth

Don't suppose there's any way to get both of these things to work together? :(