Audio not coming into OBS


New Member
I'll start with I'm a complete newbie to OBS. I have no issue getting video into it from my camera but audio isn't working for me. I'm using a Roland MX1 mixer as my input. MacOS sees it and I get audio through Ableton and Audacity, when I try to use it in OBS, there's nothing. OBS sees it as an audio source, but there's no audio coming in. I have monitoring on in the prefs. Is there anything else I should be trying?


Yeah - OBS only sees the first two channels of any multi-channel audio source in MacOS. Have to use a DAW to split those into two-channel virtual sources to use them in OBS. Since you have Ableton, you should be able to use that, but if you just need a lightweight mixer, I'd recommend Caster.


Active Member
I've also had OBS think that a multichannel interface must be surround sound, and downmix that to the stereo that OBS is set for. Of course, that creates a royal mess that you can't really work with either, unless you can look at the feeding end (not OBS) and make everything silent except for what OBS thinks is the front corners.

Bottom line: don't use multichannel interfaces directly with OBS. If you must use one, put something else in between that can do what you want with it, and feed the result of *that* into OBS. And if you're doing that much, you might as well do ALL of your audio work outside of OBS, and give it only the finished, final soundtrack as its only audio source at all, to pass through completely unchanged.