Audio management per source + dedicated save option


So, from what I understand all audio management must be done via the windows audio mixer. Instead, why not implement the ability to manage audio from scenes independently? Would be annoying for me to stream and have something like an IM beep come up in the stream.

Aside from just that, I was also thinking about the inclusion for a better way to save streams locally. I know theres tutorials on how to do this with the settings but a dedicated option with some minor adjustable setting would be a lot more fluent.


Community Helper
Per-scene volume adjustment is coming in the next release. However, it is still impossible for OBS to adjust volumes of individual programs unless they are being captured directly by OBS (such as a DirectShow device).

For local stream saving, what kinds of options did you have in mind?


Well, for local streaming, I'd imagine an option for low, medium, and high bitrate recording along with a way of doing advanced settings. I'd find that the most practical way of doing this would possibly be incorporating a "default presets" dropdown with the current system's streaming setting which allows novice users ease-of-use but also allows the more advanced users to tweak settings to their liking.

Edit: Felt I should add that if there is a better optimized route of doing something like this, it would be better to go that route considering after some though, most of these settings have been in major consideration for streaming and as ok as the current method of saving locally works, I feel theres the possibility of it being done better (albeit I don't know C++ to properly produce a better alternative).