Question / Help Audio lag

I've been really beating my head against a wall trying to figure out this audio lag issue I've been having. Not quite sure it's with OBS or not. I've installed the very latest audio drivers from Realtek, from my ASUS's motherboard support page. Which was updated last October. Version

Not quite sure what else I can fix or update. The last time this happened, I had to update the Realtek driver and everything worked fine. Since the first of the year, it's messed up again, and apparently for good. I really can't find a solution except to offset Desktop Audio by -1750ms. I haven't tested this out fully, but it might be -1800ms, or -1700ms. The audio doesn't have to be perfect, but the audio sync is way off. Anyone have any clue to what I'm missing? Is there supposed to be an offset to the audio? Is there a way to capture audio from the game itself rather than from desktop audio?

I do have GeForce Experience Version, although I have not used it at all, but do I really need it?
Could the audio lag come from GeForce Experience?

Sorry for all of the questions. I'm hitting a brick wall here, usually I'm pretty good at figuring out issues, but this one has me stumped. And the only solution I see is a permanent audio offset.

Test video: 0ms offset:
Test video: -1750ms offset:
Current log file:


Given you are using the current Realtek audio drivers and got strong enough CPU, try this:
- Go to Windows sound and for every playback and recording device, set to the same common sampling rate. Try not to mix some at 44.1 and some at 48. Keep them all at the same baseline.
- Disable all other audio devices you don't use by right clicking each in the playback and recording lists. Don't leave it at Ready state. Just disable all audio related drivers off to insure none of that outside crap affects the system.
- Go to OBS Studio Audio and set to the same sampling rate you baseline all the drivers to
- Go to Task Manager and get rid of any audio programs that maybe running out of startup tab (Spotify, Sound Capture programs, etc.)
- Exit and restart OBS Studio
I clearly don't know what I'm doing, lol. I disabled a few audio drivers, which I thought were for my monitors, which I don't use, and now I can't record any game audio. I guess I should have been happy with the -1750 offset. Luckily I can hear the game audio, but it doesn't record it.
Finally solved it. I did reinstall Realtek drivers, twice. Finally with nothing working, I uninstalled and reinstalled OBS. Everything is working as it did from day one from using OBS now, with no audio lag.

Since my audio lag started, I had not reinstalled OBS, but as the updates came, I just installed them. Ok, back to making videos instead of fixing them.
Also a real nice feature when uninstalling to keep the profiles there. Although I did export them as a backup as I wasn't sure it would keep them.