Bug Report Audio lag in OBS-redux Linux

My audio lag has been fixed after this fix, as noted on the mantis bug. Streamed about 4.5 hours with no desync. Thanks for the hard work fixing it!
That's great news, the audio desync has been fixed on my setup as well. Stream settings for dual streaming to both twitch and hitbox (nginx pushing to both) are as follows:
preset: medium
10:57:38 PM: [x264 encoder: 'default_h264'] settings:
    bitrate:     2000
    buffer size: 2000
    fps_num:     60
    fps_den:     1
    width:       1280
    height:      720
    keyint:      120
    cbr:         on
10:57:38 PM: [x264 encoder: 'default_h264'] custom settings: keyint=120

I observed only very slight audio desync on my webcam audio/video when using 30FPS (audio before the video) but perfect sync when streaming at 60FPS. It's almost unnoticable it's such a small amount but Jim told me that's just the nature of usb webcam's sometimes and that possibly in the future we'll be able to adjust audio sync of webcams. Jim did a great job tracking this bug down with all the testing I was doing with various settings. Once we realized I was using medium preset and had the horrible 1-2 seconds audio before the video he then knew where to look in the code.


It's great to hear that this seems finally to be fixed. I will stay with my JACK config though, till it's possible to grab single programs as audio source. It's just too great to have different sources I can control from inside of OBS :)
It's great to hear that this seems finally to be fixed. I will stay with my JACK config though, till it's possible to grab single programs as audio source. It's just too great to have different sources I can control from inside of OBS :)
Pulseaudio can do what you want to do by the way, use loopbacks to direct audio into null sinks (you can even name the null sink), then add each null sink you want to control within OBS. There's claims that JACK has less latency but since OBS can't use JACK directly you're still going thru a pulseaudio to jack bridge so that argument is void IMO.


You are right, but I can connect with JACK different sources to sinks. And even OBS doesn't support JACK, I can run several Programs with jack and send this output to a PulseAudio JACK sink, which I can control inside of OBS.

And even I maybe could do the same with PulseAudio, it's much more comfortable to do it with JACK.



Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I'm either totally crazy, or there is absolutely no sync issues what-so-ever with the video you just posted. This thread was originally about sync issues, which was fixed. Perhaps you should start a new thread and describe your exact problem in more detail.

IRC does listen, but it depends on the time of day you come around or if you decide to actually poke me to get my attention or not. If I'm not asleep I'm always always around to talk to, at least about bugs and such.


New Member
so, I'm using OBS 0.13.0 (linux) on my Debian 7 based Steam Machine, and I'm getting a audio latency of around 20-15 seconds behind the actual video that it's recieving. This is also a new issue that's arrived. not sure what's going on, but this is pretty detrimental to my recordings and streamings. I've yet to try the fix that ramma posted above, i'm hopeing that will work. but, an example of the issue can be found here in this video. not sure if it has something to do with the Steam Overrlay, but the issue started Immedeately after I close it here in this video, and has yet to stop. listen for the gunshots and the death noises. Strangely, my mic never does out of sync. https://youtu.be/IVLJubkQCgA?t=18m39s

EDIT: kist looked at the link for what Ramma posted above and it made my head expload, i have no ide what to do with it and am completely clueless.
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Community Helper
What ramma posted was a link to a commit that was merged into OBS back in 2014. You're commenting on a very old thread.