Audio from Video Capture Device is way off when used with Browser capture of VDO.Ninja.


New Member
ASUS Vivobook, 16GB Memory, FHD USB camera, Windows 10 Pro, OBS Studio 30.1.2.

When capturing HD Video through VDO.Ninja, 1280x720, 30 FPS, 44,100 audio, and capturing the local Video Capture Device (FHD) at the same settings, the audio from the camera is way off. In fact, I get one to three seconds of microphone input from BEFORE I start recording. The VDO.Ninja stream is perfect--video and audio both crisp and in sync. I have confirmed this only happens with Browser capture and have only tested it with VDO.Ninja.

For example: If I start talking and then start to record, "Here I go, starting to record..... Now!", start recording, "0...1...2...3...4", and stop recording, the audio stream in the resulting video may begin with "starting to record...." rather than with "0...1...2" like the video stream does. The problem is intermittent but happens most of the time. Sometimes, when I change a setting, it will work correctly--once--but then the sync problem reappears.

When capturing VDO.Ninja from another computer in my house (Non-HD camera), there is no sync problem. So far, this only happens when capturing HD video from outside my home network.

Task Manager shows CPU usage in the 40-60% range, while recording, with 60-70% memory usage, and 30-50% on the GPU. So it does not look like a capacity problem. I have tried using a 2nd VDO.Ninja stream instead of my local camera and, while the radically out of sync problem is abated, my CPU usage increases to the 98-100% range, producing the slight sync problems you would expect to see on both camera audio streams.

Anyone have any ideas?


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