Hello! I´m struggling with a need of finally have all my streaming sources in sync. My main problem is because sometimes I´m a cartoon (I use Character Animator) and because of this, my audio have to have a delay, and even because Character Animator comes from other computer via NDI, I need around 300ms to delay audio so the mouth is in sync with my audio. Of course there is a problem if you use Audio Ducking (I mean compressor filter on some sources that will level down the music or the sound that you want when the audio source of my voice kicks in), or more difficult, I have some MOVE filters that will move some things (it can be color correction with the Peak of the sound, it can be moving in and out with the sound, whatever), and because of that, even If I sync my mic track to 300ms, those filters will not work well. And because OBS don´t have the option of putting filters AFTER the output of the track (and not the input signal - that´s why this puts everything working bad) I figured 2 solutions: or you have a second track that captures via other sound device (using audio monitor to route it to that device), but it always makes me become too worried because then you have more chances of failure with this method (for example you have one volume on windows defined one day to 100%, but other day for some reason you moved that value and it will mess everything in OBS), or the second solution that is: my audio input comes from other computer that runs Ableton. That means I can have the sound from Ableton DELAYED before hits the input on the OBS machine. BUT I have to listen to my voice without latency (I mean, something around 3 or 5ms latency), so what I´ll do is having a return track that is going to output 3 and 4 of that computer´s audio device (Focusrite 4i4), but I don´t listen to 3 and 4 (I listen to 1 and 2 that will be the voice track itself), so for me I listen to 1 and 2, I don´t listen to 3 and 4 (where I will put 300ms of "align delay" devices - actually have to be 3x100ms devices), but it's open in output that will enter in my OBS input. So OBS catches the audio with this delay.
What do you think? Now that we are in OBS 30, is there a possibility of making this in OBS without all this crazy setup?