Aspect Ratio wrong when adding Media Source


New Member
A search for '"Media Source" "Aspect Ratio" wrong' didn't find anything relevant, so here goes with the stupid question:

When I add a "Media Source" source, the mp4 is displayed in the preview window in a 4:3 aspect ratio instead of the 16:9 that it should be. I've confirmed by playing in VLC and checking with ffmpeg in Terminal that the mp4 is in fact 1920x1080.

I've set:
Settings->Video->Base Resolution and Output Resolution both to 1920x1080
Settings->Output->Rescale Output is unchecked
Preview Scaling is set to "Scale to Window"

System is a Mac Mini 2020, MacOS Catalina 10.15.7, Display Resolution is 2560x1440.

Is there anything else I should check?


New Member
Hi, I know this is an old thread, but I ran into the same issue and have no idea why it occurred. It was also my first time having the issue while importing video. Since this questions perfectly phrases what others might be experiencing, I think it's worth adding the workaround that was recommend on another thread: Screen Frames resize after I switch Media Source files for visuals

Here's one solution: select your video file in OBS and add a FILTER. Use the + sign to had a SCALING/ASPECT RATIO filter. 16x9 seems to work really well.