Dota 2, watching a match. -- 1600 x 900 downscaled to 720p, DirectX -- call to encoder - [86.7%] [avg time: 6.686 ms
ePSXe, watching FF9's intro. -- 1600 x 900, downscaled to 720p, OpenGL-- call to encoder - [68.7%] [avg time: 1.302 ms
Starcraft II, running the Wings of Liberty Unit Preloader. -- 1920x1080, downscaled to 864p, DirectX -- call to encoder - [69.7%] [avg time: 2.029 ms
Why is x264 having so much trouble with Dota 2? Or is Dota 2 just so poorly optimized? Some things to note here:
Now, I am not looking for feedback or support on how to properly stream Dota 2, I know that if I switch to Veryfast it'll be just fine. But, in all 3 cases I was running at Faster, so the CPU preset in and of itself is not the explanation. I'm just wondering if there could be an issue with Dota 2 or x264 here.
Edit: Dota 2, this time with CFR disabled -- call to encoder - [66.9%] [avg time: 1.95 ms. It looks like it's that cascading business Jim mentioned.
ePSXe, watching FF9's intro. -- 1600 x 900, downscaled to 720p, OpenGL-- call to encoder - [68.7%] [avg time: 1.302 ms
Starcraft II, running the Wings of Liberty Unit Preloader. -- 1920x1080, downscaled to 864p, DirectX -- call to encoder - [69.7%] [avg time: 2.029 ms
Why is x264 having so much trouble with Dota 2? Or is Dota 2 just so poorly optimized? Some things to note here:
- OpenGL vs DirectX is not the issue, I made sure of that by testing both.
- SC2 was running in a higher resolution, performing a task that arguably should be more grueling than watching a match in Dota 2 and yet the call to encoder took just 1/3rd of the time of the Dota 2 example.
- In all 3 cases, the OBS time for call to encoder was the same and consequently irrelevant.
Now, I am not looking for feedback or support on how to properly stream Dota 2, I know that if I switch to Veryfast it'll be just fine. But, in all 3 cases I was running at Faster, so the CPU preset in and of itself is not the explanation. I'm just wondering if there could be an issue with Dota 2 or x264 here.
Edit: Dota 2, this time with CFR disabled -- call to encoder - [66.9%] [avg time: 1.95 ms. It looks like it's that cascading business Jim mentioned.