Question / Help Any workaround for changing Window names?


New Member
Hello I'm using OBS to broadcast to Everything works so far, but when I go to select a window (via sources) and click ok. It chooses a different window.

The application (PCSX2 (which I'm using with my LEGALLY obtained bios, and LEGALLY obtained games)) I use has 3 different windows: one main window to adjust settings, one window that logs activity, and then finally (the window I'm trying to capture) the render window. The problem is that the numbers in the bar change (FPS, EE, and GS) and I think that is what is confusing OBS. There are no settings to turn them off either. So what can I do?

I also read this, and figured the changing numbers were what was causing the issue:

Jim: Window capture does have some issue with browser windows, especially when the window names change, or new windows for the browser pop up; it has a tendency to confuse windows, though it generally should try to the right one and not lose it's "connection" with it so to speak. Currently what I ask people to do when they absolutely have to capture a browser window is do it with a separate browser than the main one they usually use to browse with.

For example if you usually use firefox to browse capture a chrome window for the chat to avoid browsing window conflicts. Somewhat of a pain admittedly but it's a work around for the time being as my current list of things to do is rather large.

Unfortunately for me there are not alternatives.

Unless anyone knows any other solution, I suppose I could just use another program and feed the video through that (possibly). Thanks for reading :).


Town drunk
Have you tried using Game Capture on PCSX2? Personally, I've never had any problems capturing and streaming PCSX2 stuff with window or game capture, so I'm not sure what could be causing issues for you =/


Game capture does work for PCSX2, I have used it myself to see what performance I would get out of my aging PC while streaming an emulated PS2 title and I had no trouble whatsoever getting a Game Capture of the emulator.


New Member
@Krazy & @Kharay I think I'll try using the "Game Capture" option tonight (I'm not at my primary desktop now). I was using the "Window" option, so I guess that was the issue with it. Thanks, I'll reply back later to give my [hopefully working] results.


Town drunk
Hm, still strange. Like I said, I use Window Capture myself and it works just fine. I'm not quite sure why it would be struggling for you. Hopefully Game Capture works out for you though


New Member
Well since you use PCSX2 yourself: you know the window that you select you configure settings, and such? whenever I select the render window (in OBS) it automatically defaults to that window for some reason.

I'm sure that it is something on my end, but I'm not sure what.


Town drunk
Well, you need to be selecting the GSDX window from the drop down. That's the actual render window.


New Member
I know that, that's what I've been selecting (GSDX - ie the render window). What I meant was when I select GSDX (render window) and go to preview it, it displays the main window.


Town drunk
Er, well that's extremely odd, and quite abnormal behavior. Anyway, hopefully Game Capture works out for you