Question / Help Any solution to DWM stuttering when using multiple monitors with different refresh rates - Win10?


New Member
Win10, i7 4930k, gtx 970, 16gb ram, 120hz 1080p main display, 60hz 1080p secondary

I'm fully aware of the issue with Window's desktop window manager where games in windowed/borderless-windowed will stutter on your main display if you're displaying something hardware accelerated on your other one (such as OBS) and both displays are different refresh rates. When I was using Win7, I could just disable aero and everything would be fine, but there's no way to do this in Win10 to my knowledge (plus, for some games, I would actually like to have dwm's anti-tearing capabilities on). I can run games in fullscreen mode and there will be no stuttering, but depending on the game, the second display will go black, rendering it useless for streaming for seeing chat/preview/overall benefit of having a second display. Today I had the idea of installing my old 660ti and using it to run my second display by itself, but even that didn't work.

I've known of this issue for years, but when searching, it doesn't seem to be talked about much. From what I've read it comes down to MS or Nvidia having to fix it themselves. Does anyone here have any suggestions for a possible solution? I figure there's probably many OBS users running multiple displays for streaming so maybe someone knows of something.


New Member
I am looking for this for ages now, but no one seems to have a proper fix other than revert to Windows 7 and disable aero.

The problem is apparently caused by Windows Dekstop Manager, that you can't turn off in Windows 10.

I just find it AMAZING that in 2 years none of those companies gave a single shit about this problem so far.