Question / Help Any pre-deintelacing software ?


Hey there,
I juste bought a Dazzle DVC 100, and tried it out on a livestream. It wasn't too bad, but I think it could be better if deinterlaced.
I know that OBS doesn't have that feature for the moment, so I was wondering : is there any software that could deinterlace the video stream before sending that into OBS ?

Thanks =)


heros in an halfshel
Hi there, dehixem!

I stream a bunch of console stuff myself, and since I'd been using a custom solution for deinterlacing even before OBS came out (I always disliked the basic blend deinterlacing XSplit offered), I wrote this guide to help other people out: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1771

Feel free to ask if you have any issues with it, as I'm aware that I might have forgotten to include some info in the guide itself.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Sorry about the lack of deinterlacing. Major oversight on my part originally.