Question / Help Any experienced streamer?


New Member
I've been trying to stream but I just can't seem to get the right settings. I've seen people with similar specs and have a nice quality stream. I can't seem to get that quality I want.

Can any of you with experience help me set it up?

I have a 30 download and 5 upload.
i7 4770K @ 3.5
Gtx 660
Avermedia Live gamer HD
Streaming Console


The Helping Squad
- Use a Bitrate of max 3500, 2500 or 3000 would be better.
- Stream 720p with 30-60 fps
- Try which presets lets you still stream fluid, try veryfast (its default) first -> faster -> fast -> medium and keep an eye on your cpu usage, it has to stay below 90-95% usage at all times even with a lot of fast action on your screen, I personally prefer to keep it around 70-80 to have some more room though

If all that didnt help, post us a log and link us a recording of your stream please!