Question / Help Another pixelation issue thread

Jon Smith

New Member

I started streaming some racing games lately and im having a hard time getting good streams or recordings. I notice this way more when im just recording a video for youtube. Here are my computer specs

Windows 10
I7 3770k 4.2ghz
GTX 1070
480gb SSD
triple 24" 60 hz displays
250mb down and 150mb up internet connection
filter: Lanczos
AERO is disabled to the best of my ability since windows 10 doesnt appear to have an easy on/off switch

I've researched this quite a bit and tried everything. Monitor, game captures. 3000 to 4000 bitrates. no CBR, with CBR. MY computer usage never goes above 60% so there is plenty left there. I've gone through the recommended settings and then added as the rig allowed with 0 improvements.. 0. i tried other softwares like bandicam, which was a little better but not worth the money for the improvement it gave.

I am running nvidia surround, but i have settles with monitor capture. i set my resolution 1920*1080 and downscale to 720p. I am at a lost. Even when recording at 1080p it looks the exact same. I see some youtubers with the same game and it looks flawless at 1080 60fps.

Can anyone help me figure this out?
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Forum Moderator
Use the recording quality presets under Settings > Output (Simple output mode) or read (Advanced output mode). For streaming you'll probably want to downscale to 720p30, and if you're streaming to Twitch use a bitrate of 3500 or less; we recommend using 2000-2500 for non-partners to help avoid buffering issues for viewers. Aero can't normally be disabled in Windows 10, nor should it. Not sure why you think that's a good idea.

Jon Smith

New Member
yeah i tried all of that. I disabled some visuals to see if it would help the performance. It did not. I was able to work it down to medium in CPU preset in 720p30 with a bitrate of 8000 for recordings but still pixelation is heavy (although a bit less). It looks like the file is too compressed but i dont know im new at this.

im just going to move on from here. I've tried all the regular answers about streaming and recordings, watch youtube videos about it and nothing is working. If there is no movement on my screen and i am standing still looks good.

thanks for your help anyway


Forum Moderator
I was able to work it down to medium in CPU preset in 720p30 with a bitrate of 8000 for recordings but still pixelation is heavy (although a bit less). It looks like the file is too compressed but i dont know im new at this.
That is not what was recommended for recording at all. Which part of the instructions didn't make sense?

Jon Smith

New Member
which part of i used recommended settings many times and it didnt work didnt make sense for you? Why i tried other things.

anyway.. i downloaded xplit and it worked first try. Thanks for the amazing support.
