Animated Gif Support for Slide Show


New Member
Is that possible? Right now Image Slide Show only shows first frame of animated gifs. Would be cool to see if it's an easy fix/implementation.


So you want to make a slideshow of animated GIF files? If it's not working out for you, try putting all the GIF files into one big GIF.


Grimio, he would then have to rebuild his GIF every time he wants to change the delay or add a new image. Sounds silly. I'd also like to see such feature :)


Forum Admin
Assuming you built the gif in the first place, or have tools to create/modify gifs, and know how to use them...


New Member
+1 for this feature. Since adding a single image will play an animated gif, I expected slideshow to use the same render method and play animated gif's.

Maybe it could have a feature for static time like it currently does, and another where it can count the frames of each gif. That way you could tell it to cycle gif's after it hits the last frame of the previous.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Of course it's possible, more just an annoyance to get implemented than anything. *sigh*, I wish I could get every little tiny feature for every single person, but I just have so many more important things to worry about as of late unfortunately. Something like this may be put on the backburner for a bit unless someone else offers to code in the support or something.