An urgent request for my job


New Member
Hello Everyone,

I want obs script to schedule my live stream integrated to YouTube live stream that has been scheduled already on YouTube , To start the live stream on obs at the same time that YouTube live stream has been scheduled already with properties of the video loop and output timer to stop streaming at 17 hours and 55 minutes and 55 seconds , the stream automatically control starts at the same time the live stream has been published. what I mean is that when I schedule YouTube live stream , I want to schedule the obs to start stream at the same time without starting the stream manually and putting the output timer of the live stream .
Thank you in advance
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Active Member
YouTube has removed its software API to help get rid of spammers, so that part you'll probably have to do manually. For everything else you're asking for and a whole lot more, there's this plugin:


This actually runs for 17:55:55.2, because of only two decimal places. 55 seconds even would be _.916666666...
Or, you can just schedule the stop time as another Date condition.

The video loop needs more detail. Lots of things could be called a "video loop", and the wrong one will likely be annoying.