An RPC plugin or something?


New Member
Could there be a plugin that allows to connect a TCP or ZeroMQ socket to OBS to get events from OBS (scene switched, source added, source resized/moved, ...) and perhaps send off commands (switch scene, move source, ...)?

Or would it have to be embedded directly into OBS?

If i attempted to write such a thing, would you accept pull requests for it, or do you feel it's not something OBS should have?

- Six


Forum Moderator
You can write a plugin for it, but I don't think it's something that needs to be bundled with OBS per se. You can just make a thread on the forum here where people can download it.


Forum Admin
Once the API is written up, there will also be an official plugins forum where you'll be able to post it here. There is nothing stopping you from looking at the existing plugins and using them to create your own though.