Question / Help AMD stuck with media foundation?


New Member

Today I opened my OBS to be greeted with a message telling me there was a cool update available.
Reading the release notes I see there was added support for NVidia and Intel hardware encoders.

Since I have an AMD graphics card, I don't see any changes on the encodings (i.e. it's still media foundation)

So here's a question (and sorry if it was already asked before).
Is there any AMD hardware encoding? And if so, are there plans to add support to it?

Thanks a bunch for the attention.


according to the official OBS twitter, VCE (AMD encoder) is being held back because of licensing issues. for the time being, you're stuck with x264 and media foundation.


New Member
So there is still hope!

Okay, thanks a bunch.
Right now, streaming for me is a choice between fps loss when the x264 starts using high cpu, or frames being dropped when media foundation decides to make my birate go more than my connection supports...

I will eagerly wait for AMD encoding that supports CBR.

Thanks a lot!


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NVIDIA and Intel have changed their licensing to make it compatible with programs like OBS and FFmpeg. AMD has yet to do so. You may want to use jackun's VCE branch which has AMD encoding, but due to those licensing issues I don't want to be responsible for distributing it myself, so it's currently staying unmerged.


jackun's VCE branch also appears to be based off of the original OBS, so that might be problematic if you want to use some of OBS Studio's new features.
guys go spam AMD's twitter and fb about VCE license thing. let them hear there is a need for it, otherwise you will complain here forever