AMD MANTLE support for OBS

true gameplay

New Member
hi guys,

first of all thank you for making such a great tool like obs, but i ran into some Problems with the mantle api and obs. for example, when i want to record a game like bf4 in mantle api i have to fall back to Monitor recording since the game function of obs is unable to detect the mantle api and that just totally destroys all the Performance and recordings in game mode with mantle will just result in black Video. are you planning on implementing Support for mantle? that would be awesome!

best regards


Community Helper
A simple search of the forums would reveal that not only has this been requested multiple times, but it is not possible until AMD makes their SDK public. Right now it's in very limited beta, and access is only being given to a select few developers, so until AMD becomes more open with it, then Mantle support will not be possible.

true gameplay

New Member
A simple search of the forums would reveal that not only has this been requested multiple times, but it is not possible until AMD makes their SDK public. Right now it's in very limited beta, and access is only being given to a select few developers, so until AMD becomes more open with it, then Mantle support will not be possible.

thanks! i will put some pressure on amd then. >D