for me, i am getting an Error Code 4.
(note, this system is a dedicated OBS broadcasting system, capturing the Gaming PC via HDMI,
the GPU being used in THIS system is the AMD Radeon HD 7950, which IS listed as one of the VCE 1.0 supported cards)
10:50:32.469: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz
10:50:32.469: CPU Speed: 2810MHz
10:50:32.469: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 8
10:50:32.469: Physical Memory: 8183MB Total, 6418MB Free
10:50:32.469: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 14393 (revision: 576; 64-bit)
10:50:32.469: Running as administrator: true
10:50:32.469: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
10:50:32.469: Portable mode: false
10:50:32.485: OBS 0.16.6 (64bit, windows)
10:50:32.485: ---------------------------------
10:50:32.485: ---------------------------------
10:50:32.485: audio settings reset:
10:50:32.485: samples per sec: 44100
10:50:32.485: speakers: 2
10:50:32.706: Warning: The OpenGL renderer is currently in use. On windows, the OpenGL renderer can decrease capture performance due to the lack of specific features used to maximize capture performance. The Direct3D 11 renderer is recommended instead.
10:50:32.724: ---------------------------------
10:50:32.724: video settings reset:
10:50:32.724: base resolution: 1280x720
10:50:32.724: output resolution: 1280x720
10:50:32.724: downscale filter: Lanczos
10:50:32.724: fps: 60/1
10:50:32.724: format: NV12
10:50:32.724: ---------------------------------
10:50:32.726: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded
10:50:32.727: LoadLibrary failed for '../../obs-plugins/64bit/d3dcompiler_43.dll': %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
10:50:32.727: (193)
10:50:32.727: Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/d3dcompiler_43.dll' not found
10:50:32.728: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/d3dcompiler_47.dll' not found, loading of module failed
10:50:32.729: [AMF Encoder] Version
10:50:32.730: [AMF Encoder] Runtime Library is on Version 1;4;0;0;1.2;201612041138.
10:50:32.730: [AMF Encoder] Runtime is on Version, compiled against Version
10:50:32.731: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/ffmpegsumo.dll' not found, loading of module failed
10:50:32.741: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
10:50:32.742: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll' not found, loading of module failed
10:50:32.742: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
10:50:32.743: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.dll'
10:50:32.744: LoadLibrary failed for 'nvEncodeAPI64.dll': The specified module could not be found.
10:50:32.744: (126)
10:50:32.870: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/pdf.dll' not found, loading of module failed
10:50:32.873: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
10:50:32.876: No blackmagic support
10:50:32.937: ---------------------------------
10:50:32.937: Loaded Modules:
10:50:32.937: win-wasapi.dll
10:50:32.937: win-mf.dll
10:50:32.937: win-dshow.dll
10:50:32.937: win-decklink.dll
10:50:32.937: win-capture.dll
10:50:32.937: vlc-video.dll
10:50:32.937: text-freetype2.dll
10:50:32.937: rtmp-services.dll
10:50:32.937: obs-x264.dll
10:50:32.937: obs-transitions.dll
10:50:32.937: obs-text.dll
10:50:32.937: obs-qsv11.dll
10:50:32.937: obs-outputs.dll
10:50:32.937: obs-filters.dll
10:50:32.937: obs-ffmpeg.dll
10:50:32.937: obs-browser.dll
10:50:32.937: image-source.dll
10:50:32.937: frontend-tools.dll
10:50:32.937: enc-amf.dll
10:50:32.937: coreaudio-encoder.dll
10:50:32.937: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
10:50:32.941: All scene data cleared
10:50:32.941: ------------------------------------------------
10:50:32.942: [WASAPISource::WASAPISource] Device '{}.{50f6d3ff-bd7d-43a4-a2ea-a7bf27f29455}' not found. Waiting for device
10:50:32.959: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (2- USB Audio CODEC )' initialized
10:50:32.975: warning: deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
10:50:33.016: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 23 milliseconds
10:50:33.024: ---------------------------------
10:50:33.024: [DShow Device: 'HD Camera'] settings updated:
10:50:33.024: video device: Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920
10:50:33.024: video path: \\?\usb#vid_046d&pid_082d&mi_00#8&2645ff3c&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bbefb6c7-2fc4-4139-bb8b-a58bba724083}
10:50:33.024: resolution: 1920x1080
10:50:33.024: fps: 30.00 (interval: 333333)
10:50:33.024: format: MJPEG
10:50:33.025: DShow: HDevice::ConnectPins: failed to connect pins (0x80040207): The owner SID on a per-user subscription doesn't exist
10:50:33.060: warning: deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
10:50:33.061: warning: Warning: data is not aligned! This can lead to a speedloss
10:50:33.143: ---------------------------------
10:50:33.143: [DShow Device: 'HDMI'] settings updated:
10:50:33.143: video device: AVerMedia HD Capture
10:50:33.143: video path: \\?\pci#ven_1a0a&dev_6202&subsys_620c1461&rev_01#4&155eba39&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{ede957b0-eaa5-4bf4-acf3-6e10cb4836c3}
10:50:33.143: resolution: 1280x720
10:50:33.143: fps: 59.94 (interval: 166833)
10:50:33.143: format: YUY2
10:50:33.148: using video device audio: yes
10:50:33.148: sample rate: 48000
10:50:33.148: channels: 2
10:50:33.148: audio type: Capture
10:50:33.148: Switched to scene 'Game Full Screen'
10:50:33.148: ------------------------------------------------
10:50:33.148: Loaded scenes:
10:50:33.148: - scene 'Starting Scene':
10:50:33.148: - source: 'Background Wallpaper' (image_source)
10:50:33.148: - source: 'Twitch Chat' (browser_source)
10:50:33.148: - source: 'Starting Soon' (browser_source)
10:50:33.148: - source: 'Game Image' (image_source)
10:50:33.148: - source: 'Donations' (browser_source)
10:50:33.148: - source: 'Follower Widget' (browser_source)
10:50:33.148: - scene 'Game Full Screen':
10:50:33.159: - source: 'Background Wallpaper' (image_source)
10:50:33.159: - source: 'HDMI' (dshow_input)
10:50:33.159: - filter: 'Crop/Pad' (crop_filter)
10:50:33.159: - source: 'Donations' (browser_source)
10:50:33.159: - source: 'Follower Widget' (browser_source)
10:50:33.159: - source: 'HD Camera' (dshow_input)
10:50:33.159: - filter: 'Crop/Pad' (crop_filter)
10:50:33.159: - filter: 'Color Correction' (color_filter)
10:50:33.159: - filter: 'Chroma Key' (chroma_key_filter)
10:50:33.159: - scene 'Break Screen':
10:50:33.159: - source: 'Background Wallpaper' (image_source)
10:50:33.159: - source: 'Twitch Chat' (browser_source)
10:50:33.159: - source: 'Game Image' (image_source)
10:50:33.160: - source: 'Donations' (browser_source)
10:50:33.160: - source: 'Follower Widget' (browser_source)
10:50:33.160: - source: 'Break Panel' (browser_source)
10:50:33.160: - scene 'Ending Scene':
10:50:33.160: - source: 'Background Wallpaper' (image_source)
10:50:33.160: - source: 'Ending Panel' (browser_source)
10:50:33.160: ------------------------------------------------
10:50:35.440: [AMF Encoder] Starting up...
10:50:35.530: [CLWrapper] Trace: Release:: FreeLibrary opencl.dll successed
10:50:35.530: [CLWrapper] Trace: Init:: LoadLibrary opencl.dll successed
10:50:35.530: [CLWrapper] Trace: Load function clSetPrintfCallback failed
10:50:35.808: [AMF Encoder] <Plugin::AMD::VCEEncoder::SetFullColorRangeEnabled> Setting to Disabled failed with error AMF_INVALID_ARG (code 4).
10:50:35.808: [AMF Encoder] Exception: <Plugin::AMD::VCEEncoder::SetFullColorRangeEnabled> Setting to Disabled failed with error AMF_INVALID_ARG (code 4).
10:50:35.808: [AMF Encoder] Unable to create Encoder, see log for more information.
10:50:35.830: [CLWrapper] Trace: Load function clSetImageFormatAMD failed
10:50:35.830: [CLWrapper] Trace: Load function clCreateImageTiledAMD failed
10:50:35.830: [CLWrapper] Trace: Load function clSetThreadTraceBuffersAMD failed
10:50:35.830: [VCEEncoderTrace] Info: SetProperty CodecId:5
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(0): UpdateConfig:Init Param CodecId changed to 5!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(0): UpdateConfig:Init Param MaxMBPerSec changed to 616680!
10:50:35.830: [VCEEncoderTrace] Info: SetProperty Usage:0
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param CodecId changed to 5!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param FrameSize changed to 1920!
10:50:35.830: [VCEEncoderTrace] Info: SetProperty CABACEnable:0
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param Profile changed to 77!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param ProfileLevel changed to 42!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param QualityEnhancementMode changed to 0!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param MaxOfLTRFrames changed to 0!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param MaxNumRefFrames changed to 4!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param ConstraintSetFlags changed to 0!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param MaxMBPerSec changed to 616680!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param InstanceID changed to -1!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param RateControlPreanalysisEnable changed to 0!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param ScanType changed to 0!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param QualityPreset changed to 0!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param ExtraData changed to 1!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param UniqueInstance changed to 0!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param EncoderMaxInstances changed to 1!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param MultiInstanceMode changed to 0!
10:50:35.830: [EncoderVCEPropertySet] Debug: EncoderVCEPropertySet(-1): UpdateConfig:Init Param WaitForTask changed to 0!
10:50:44.733: ==== Shutting down ==================================================