Alphabetizing scenes: a common sense feature is MIA.


New Member
Catchy title, I know.

Anyhow, since I started using this fine application, I have always wondered why there wasn't a way (easy or otherwise, it would seem) to make the scenes list sort itself into alphabetical order. Before you reply:

- I know that it can be done manually. I counter with this: I have *hundreds* of scenes in my list, and it simply would be more work than it is worth. A lot of clickety-clack x100+ entries.

- I have exported my scene list, and given the plain text formatting, I see no reason why this would not be insanely easy to implement in the main program, or to make a batch script or tool for. Yet there are ZERO options that I can find. To expand on this: each entry in the exported list is a text string that is displayed in the scenes list, followed by a bunch of settings and then the third } of the "group of settings" is the end of that entry. Obviously, they would be sorted by the name that appears in the list, or the first text entry of each "group of settings".

- I searched the forums and google off and on for a while now since I started using OBS, and have even gone to the chat to ask. People act like I'm speaking in tongues because they have no answer, which is mind-boggling, frankly.

So, given all this, it blows my mind that I cannot find a forum post about it, nor any tools that would help with this. I'll just ask this, then:

Is there any way that you benevolent Gods of streaming could find a way to slip some function in that would allow one to right click and sort scene list by alphabetical order? Failing that, anyone care to make a tool, script, or batch file even, that could accomplish this? I'm not above offering a bounty, unless it's not allowed, in which case I was totally kidding.

Tags for google searchers: OBS ABC order, scene list order, alphabetize scene list


Community Helper
I have been using OBS and helping users since 2012 and you are the first person I have ever heard ask for this feature.

Is there a reason you have so many scenes that you need them alphabetized? Perhaps you would be interested in using scene collections?


New Member
I have been using OBS and helping users since 2012 and you are the first person I have ever heard ask for this feature.

Is there a reason you have so many scenes that you need them alphabetized? Perhaps you would be interested in using scene collections?

Well I find that just baffling, but perhaps I use OBS in an unconvential manner (it's possible). I have hundreds of games that I have streamed, and well over 600 games in my steam collection alone. I assign a game's name to the scene list, so that I can simply select that game's scene, and just stream it. I don't use a webcam or any of that sort of thing, just a simple streaming of each game; not trying to make money or be a "personality" with it.

And without context, it's hard to tell, but I don't think a scenes collection would help me accomplish my goal. For reference, a pic of part of my scene list:

Also, just to reiterate what I said before: If not in main program, a tool would work just fine with an exported list, for example. But even in the chat at least 2 others said they either have tried to find similar with no success, or had no idea how to do such with what is out there atm.

And thanks for the reply!


Community Helper
Maybe just use one scene with one game capture, and use a hotkey to capture the game rather than select it from the dropdown?


New Member
Maybe just use one scene with one game capture, and use a hotkey to capture the game rather than select it from the dropdown?

Such has proved less than reliable in the past (@Hotkey to stream). And with my method, I can be sure that only *exactly* what I want to stream is streamed, by way of its executable being selected and all that. Some games are rather fiddly and I find that doing it in this manner is the only viable solution, so I do them all in this way because it just works. Except for the whole scrolling up and down to find the scene in the list part, of course.

Still find it hard to believe that nobody has brought this up sooner. I mean I believe it, but wow. It just makes more sense than even having the "move up/down" options, imo. And for the other reason: it just looks more organized in a logical, alphabetized format. Can I get an OCD witness?

But the last thing I want to be is that guy; if this is not wanted by most, then I guess I am out of gas, or need to brush up on python and make it happen myself (I'll share it if I do!).


New Member
I kind of would like a feature like this one tbh. Or an Easier way to manage/move the scenes like you can do with sources (ctrl up/down arrow keys).

In a way, it does make sense for someone that plays many games and might have a different layout for his webcam and other info for different games. Specially for someone that uses window/game capture over monitor capture. I Don't have that many scenes and i use scene selector but when I want to organize my scenes it is kind of silly to have to right click them every time to move them one step up every time.

Some of us have OCD...


New Member
I kind of would like a feature like this one tbh. Or an Easier way to manage/move the scenes like you can do with sources (ctrl up/down arrow keys).

In a way, it does make sense for someone that plays many games and might have a different layout for his webcam and other info for different games. Specially for someone that uses window/game capture over monitor capture. I Don't have that many scenes and i use scene selector but when I want to organize my scenes it is kind of silly to have to right click them every time to move them one step up every time.

Some of us have OCD...

Agreed! Even having the ability to use a hotkey and arrows with scenes would be a vast improvement over all of the clicking that is needed now. I think that a "sort by alphabetical order" function in the order menu would be amazing too, obviously. And implementing such wouldn't negatively impact anyone, would only help, and not add bloat at all.

To me both make lots of sense. Thanks for posting.


Active Member
Certainly not going to happen for OBS1, OBS-multiplatform perhaps but I don't imagine that being on top of Jim's priority list.