Alpha channel suggestion for video in OBS


New Member
For the reg:

Please, make sure that when video is implemented, we can use alpha channels in video renders such as quicktime (.mov) + PNG and .avi codecs such as cineform + alpha, lagarith (RGBA) and HuffYUV (MPEG version). It's a bitch working with crappy chromakeying in programs such as xsplit.

Custom transitions would make it superb. But we can work without those, as long as there is video and alpha channel support for .avi, .mov, .flv.

That's all. Great work so far, but with the above,
OBS would be superior (also for higher end production).


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I will probably be using a library to access video files, such as libav/ffmpeg. If they support it, then the app will as well


The Helping Squad
I just quickly saved a QuickTime video file with transparency and added it with the Video Source Plugin. Works flawless already. I would think ffmpeg should have a similar support for it, but I cant test that right now.

Jeff C

New Member
I work in TV, so here's a few things that most people don't know. Lower Thirds and the majority of the on-air graphics you see are run through a 3D real time rendering engine like VizRT, using OpenGL. It outputs a signal with alpha embedded and is overlayed on top of other video signals.

Outside of that we use a combination of After Effects, Cinema (Some stations use Maya), Premiere, or whatever. A lot of the footage we output use the Prores 4444 codec (it carries alpha channel and a high color fidelity).

OBS needs the ability to handle this. This will set it apart from many of the other low end competitors. Of course there are packages that run for about $500 that will handle this with fair ease. Second, OBS needs to be able to record while streaming without running multiple instances. That just eats up unnecessary resources.

Last, the interface needs work. No offense Jim, but it could use an upgrade to behave more like a pro level program. I think if you were to accept donations to help you spend more time building this out, people would contribute.


Community Helper
You can record while streaming in OBS Classic without running two instances already, it's just that the recording will be the same encoding as the stream encoding. However, OBS Studio supports streaming and recording with different settings already. Have you checked out OBS Studio yet?

As for donations, there is a donation button at the top of the page, and donations are always appreciated. But if what you want is more features of a specific kind, then what we'd rather have are volunteers who can actually help code things. Throwing money at the problem won't get those things done, because there's nothing to throw the money at. It's not like OBS is a business that has employees. It's an open-source project that people work on because they enjoy working on it. That said, BountySource is something we've considered at some point.

Also, "the interface needs work" isn't very useful feedback. How should it behave instead? What specifically needs to change, in your opinion? It sounds like you have experience in video production. Jim isn't a video producer, he's a graphics programmer, so you'll have to go into more detail about how such professional programs work.

Jeff C

New Member
I just realized how old this post was. I've been playing with the new OBS and it accepts Proess4444 with alpha, at least on a Mac. If I had genuine coding skills, I'd be more than wiling to build something worthwhile. As to the critique of the interface, you're right, more detail would be useful. I will probably put something together after a little time playing with the latest compile and at least one attempt to produce a live stream. I have one coming up in the near future, so it will be good to run through the hoops and be able to give better feedback then.

Thanks for the quick response.