Question / Help After streaming for a while, upload works, download doesn't


New Member
I'm pretty sure this isn't an OBS thing, but I figure I might as well make sure.

When I stream, about 30 minutes after I start (Very rough estimate, occasionally only 10 minutes after) I suddenly almost entirely lose the ability to download. I can generally continue to chat with friends on Teamspeak for a while before that dies too. I have no problems with uploading, though. I don't drop any frames, I'm told that people are still able to watch me no problem. Hard to chat with viewers if I can't receive their messages, though.

Has anybody had a problem like this before? This problem has been kind of annoying in the past, happening some days, but not others. The last couple of days, it's been painfully frequent. This increasing frequency makes me think that it's degrading hardware in a practically brand new modem, but I can't be sure.


Some things I should add are that my phone cannot connect through Wifi while this is happening, so I assume the point of failure is at the modem which doubles as a router.

My NIC drivers are up to date.

There seems to be no network shaping being done by my ISP.


Re: After streaming for a while, upload works, download does

This could be as a result of any number of causes. Some things to consider:
  • Problem in the driver/configuration of your NIC (Network Interface Controller), aka your network card -- Solution: Update the driver.
  • Problem in the firmware/configuration of your router (if you are using one). -- Solution: Start off with simply restarting the router and updating its firmware. Not in that order.
  • Problem in your firewall, either a bug or a misconfiguration. -- Solution: Start off with simply disabling any and all software firewalls active on your PC. This includes any firewalls present in your AV.
  • Problem with your ISP. -- Solution: No clear solution but you may want to consider running Shaper Probe ( ... probe.html ) to see if any traffic shaping is taking place for your connection.


New Member
Re: After streaming for a while, upload works, download does

That's a heck of an answer, thanks!

  • My NIC drivers are up to date.
  • The modem my ISP gave me doubles as a router, but I don't seem to be able to find any firmware options
  • I forgot to mention this one, but I doubt that my firewall is at fault, because if I attempt to use my phone on Wifi, it also has no connectivity. This leads me to believe the modem is the point of failure.
  • Ran the probe, it says there's no shaping going on.

Thanks again for offering some hypotheses.


Re: After streaming for a while, upload works, download does

Well, if the phone is also experiencing this same phenomenon then by definition it can't be anything related to the PC. It has to be your ISP or your modem/router. And given what I said just now with the modem/router being an unlikely suspect, I'd give the ISP a call actually.

By the way, no need to edit your opening post to add follow-ups like these, just ends up confusing the natural order of the conversation. ;)


New Member
Re: After streaming for a while, upload works, download does

Ah, I figured I'd keep people up to speed with all the information in the OP, figured it might help out a little.

I actually called my ISP before coming here, they ran me through the usual troubleshooting options; Trying new cables, asking if I happened to have another VDSL modem laying around (Of course not), etc. I explained the apparent correlation between streaming and my inability to receive data, and they suggested that OBS was at fault, somehow affecting my modem's ability to operate correctly.

I've been asked to refrain from streaming for a while to see if my connection drops in the same way, and to see if anybody using OBS else has a similar issue in the meantime.

That said, if it helps any, my modem is a Sagemcom f@st 2864.


Re: After streaming for a while, upload works, download does

There is no reason for OBS to communicate with your modem in such a fashion as to interfere with its normal function. As such, OBS really does not do this. In fact, I doubt it even supports UPnP, for that matter. It just does what it needs to do, it transmits data over an existing connection, nothing more, nothing less.

Obviously, there are other ways to confirm whether or not it is in fact OBS. Try its main competitor, Xsplit. See if it still happens. If not, well, that sure would be something to mention. ;)


New Member
Re: After streaming for a while, upload works, download does

Indeed, I've downloaded FFSplit and XSplit, I'll be testing with those after testing without streaming for about 12 hours. I suspect I'll get the same network failure, and give my ISP another call. At least, I hope that's what happens. I can't see how OBS would be in any way the cause of this problem.

Thank you very much for all the help so far.


New Member
Re: After streaming for a while, upload works, download does

I intend to update this thread, in case anybody ever has the same issue, and finds the thread while searching for a solution.

My ISP has sent me a new modem after exhausting all available troubleshooting options several times. It didn't help. So, my computer can't be the cause unless it's somehow sending a magical kill-signal to my modem. Sadly, I haven't another computer to test with.

Even in the worst possible state (Time out from teamspeak, IRC, etc.) I can ping websites without a problem.

I've tested with FFSplit and XSplit, and they both had the same issue. My only guess at this point is that network shaping is happening after a sustained period of uploading. Going to try uploading a gigantic file to my webserver and see if that has a similar outcome.


New Member
Re: After streaming for a while, upload works, download does

A solution has been found! I'm not really knowledgeable about networking and the like, but one of my ISP's tech support people noted that the model of modem I am stuck with has had various issues with several people. After sitting on the phone with me for 2 hours, trying a ton of new potential fixes, he changed something on their end from 'fast' to 'interleaved'. My ping times are a bit higher than they were, but the problem hasn't come up in a few days now.

Thanks again for your help, Kharay.


New Member
Re: After streaming for a while, upload works, download does

@Virus610, I just have to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for updating your post. After 7 calls with my ISP (Bell) I still had no answer and they were sending a new modem through the mail (same one you currently have). Your post has now given me hope of actually resolving this once and for all. I'm going to phone them back and try ti get the change your tech did done to my service and hope it works.

It a sad state of affairs when the ISP don't know how to fix this issue considering so many people now stream, I'm just glad I fell on your thread, I've been scouring the net for the last few days trying to find an answer.

Thank you.


New Member
Re: After streaming for a while, upload works, download does

Happy to share my solution, if it helps anybody else. Do let me know if it ends up working, because that'll be wonderful news for me. Hope it works!