Question / Help After many, many hours of testing...


New Member
I have tried testing my OBS settings for hours and I cannot find the "sweet spot" I used to be able to stream just fine and lately things seems a miss with latency, low fps, stuttering, high cpu usage, etc. I cannot even stream Assasins Creed Syndicate anymore. :(

My specs:
AMD 8350-Vishera
Geforce GTX 670
16gb Ram

I think my computer is up to par as far as specs are concerned. Granted, my Gfx card could use upgrading. Any tips? here is a log file - I do not know how recent it is though!


New Member
90Mbps down, 5 or 8Mbps is my upload. I used the log analyzer and tweaked the settings it said to tweak and still I am getting fragmenting, pixelation, stuttering, and loading on my stream.


Forum Moderator
Set your encoder to x264, bitrate to 2000, video downscale to 1280x720. Enable vsync or some other kind of frame rate limiter in your games.


New Member
Yep I tried everything you said and still no luck. I am getting random frame drops to only 10 frames every few seconds...I really do not get it. I even tuned the frames down. This is extremely frustrating :( Fallout 4 even has built in V-sync but even with that option enabled on my games no luck.


Forum Moderator
Please post a link to a clean log file. To make a clean log file, first restart OBS, then start your stream/recording for ~30 seconds and stop it again. When you're done select Help > Log Files > Upload Current Log File. Copy the URL and paste it here.