Some old issues were triggered when new features implemented. So, new fixes (to old features) comes only with new features. New defaults and option names, so check your settings.
Here is a bit newer, also fixed version:, ~9KiB to download.
CRC of the zip archive MD5:2120ED7A37CB0DA8B2B9A37058760193
"" (~36 KiB)
Usage is the same as written one post above.
* "modification" instead of "creation" time in checks for the "new file is ready!" routine. Useful only for replays that has static (constant) names, and no new file ever being created.
Tech details: os.path.getmtime() vs os.path.getctime() in use.
* the script will not crash if replay media remains busy for a long.
Tech details: now the file-ready check returns null object when all attempts fails, instead of returning real filename that itself remains in use by other threads.
- the option name "from which end to cut media from" was renamed to become more clear.
Tech details: I mistaken in it too, so now it is named "Drop begin, preserve end".
- new Defaults.
Tech details: everyone needs last seconds in replay, not unknown first. Useful for live events.
+ optional Instant Replay functionality. Last truncated replay goes to selected source of OBS.
Tech details: only VLC Video Source is supported because it allows playlists that itself used for the next feature...
+ ...optional reversed playback of last replay. Short media file plays before actual replay in VLC. Creates kind of "rewind" effect.
Tech details: last replay sped-up to fit into ~2.5 sec, and then reversed. Requires ~0.5 GiB of RAM. Takes some time for encoding.
+ when job is done script generates hotkey press event for internals of OBS.
Tech details: hotkey "Ctrl + Alt + Num7" triggered when replay is ready.
Was tested only on Windows, Python v3.6.8.