Adding Pause option and sound during pausing/recording/stopping


Can you add these features in following versions of OBS ? Program is great and i love it but it's missing some features which will be useful like :

-Ability to pause video during recording
-Ability to play a sound when paused/stopped/started recording
-Maybe countdown to add ?

Anyway i love your program and keep improving it . If you implement these features/functions that will be awesome :)

Thanks in advance !


The Helping Squad
bump? Please do a search next time as these things have been requested already or are available (countdown, see resources section of the forum).
We of course value your ideas, but being an open source project we dont have the resources to say right away: "oh yea we do it, check back in 5 minutes and download the new features." So as always, if a feature is useful and a developer finds the time, he will add it to OBS. But please refrain from bumping a thread.


Ok sorry :) Anyway i have a problem with start screen recording. I posted a problem in bug reports but no one replied


New Member
so will there be a pause feature many games have a boring side quest that takes hours to complete and i don't want my viewers to sit through all that.please add one soon.