Bug Report Add To Custom Colors Does Not Save


New Member
This is a silly issue, but I was wondering if anyone else gets it, too. When I create a custom color under Text Source and click Add To Custom Colors, it does not save. This is a bit tedious if you are attempting to make multiple Text Sources using the exact same color, since you will need to enter all of the information (Hue, Luminosity, Etc.) manually every single time. It would be nice if we could save a custom color once it is entered, create a "copy" of an existing Text Source to edit, or at least make things easier by having an option to enter the Hex Code for a specific color.

Sorry to be so nitpicky on here! :P I really do love this software.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
no problem at all -- it's my fault, I didn't really even think about it. I'll try to get it in at some point


Forum Admin
Sorry for the Necrobump, but having this issue myself still. Any chance of getting this up on the bugfix list? :)