Add Source for Audio Inputs


Active Member
My feature request would be the ability to treat Audio sources like the video sources are now treated. Instead of having all the audio bunched up into two inputs.

The user would Add Audio Source, and select which audio input to include. Have a checkbox for mono instead of stereo, and a volume slider. Do this for each audio input they want to include. Mix according to the volume sliders. And have a master volume slider to boost or decrease all audio inputs by the same ratio.

Note that I run OBS on a separate box dedicated to capturing the audio and video of my game, two microphones, and a web cam, and then streaming it. Getting all the sound card, Windows, and OBS audio settings to play nice with each other and act like I expect and want was not a task I enjoyed.

If this is possible and you also enable the "capturing to a local file in a different (better) setting than the live stream" request, then I'd add a request to capture each audio input to a separate track, or if that isn't possible, to separate audio files, for the capture to disk. So that we can include or exclude various audio parts for highlight videos and the like in a NLVE.


New Member
I would love to see this also. I can't figure out how to make this work right now:
- Fancy sound card used for game audio.
- Onboard sound card used for headset (mic + headphones).

I'd like to stream the sound coming from both the game and the headphone.. but there doesn't seem to be any way to do that (though it does pick up my mic fine).


heros in an halfshel
While it doesn't have any of the advanced options such as mic boost or monoraul->stereo upmix at the moment due to being based on DirectShow, I recently put together an experimental audio source plugin that lets you add any recording, playback or capture device as a custom sound source in OBS, you can check it out in this forum thread:

There may be a fair number of issues with it since I don't have a lot of devices to try it with, and because of the DirectShow interface itself of some devices, but if anyone wants to try it out and report results and stuff, that would be great. :)


New Member
I have managed to get this to work, however the audio comes out very stuttery. Like it drops out every half of a second. It's better than nothing though, thanks.


heros in an halfshel
For what sort of audio source? Output to desktop, output to stream only? I've only had a chance to test this with a pair of headphone outputs, a mic and capture card audio, and those worked fine, but there's always a chance some devices may have issues with DirectShow in one form of another, which is why I wanted to know how it worked/didn't work for people. :)


New Member
I used "output to stream". I have 2 soundcards: A nice Xonar that I use for game audio, and the mainboard's onboard one that I use for my headset (using the pair of front panel mic + output ports). I tried both using the the Xonar in obs's normal input settings and the plugin for the onboard card (voice chat coming from the game to my headset) and incoming voice was breaking up on the stream. Then I switched it and used the onboard for obs's normal audio input and the plugin for the xonar, and game sounds on the stream broke up then instead.


New Member
Here's an example of how it's breaking it up if it helps: Skip to 2:20:30 for a reasonable example (I turned game sounds down and voice up since the game sounds were distracting the way they were playing so you may need to turn your volume up to hear them)


heros in an halfshel
Ah, so output to stream seems to be the culprit here. I'll definitely take a look at it, just need to go find my other sound card so I have some more sources to test it with. ;D

Thanks for the report! Hopefully I'll be able to fix this pretty soon, I'll post again once I have some news. :)


heros in an halfshel
I managed to fix the stuttering audio, though there might be some delay to the audio because of the way DirectShow handles these types of input, so I would recommend keeping the game sound as the default OBS playback source and adding the microphone as an additional source.

I've updated the downloads in the forum thread, over here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2579


New Member
I picked up the new version... oddly I don't seem to get any audio at all from it now on either sound card.


heros in an halfshel
Do you have the "speaker" icon in the main OBS window muted, by any chance? "Output to stream" currently doesn't work properly if you mute that icon, but that should be solved in an upcoming build. :)