Add opportunity microphone activation by a voice.


New Member
Hi all. I from Russia.
Whether I don't know there is such or similar topic as badly know English. In advance excuse for the translation, I transport with an online translator, but I think I conveyed meaning precisely.
There is an offer on functionality of the program in a record mode from a microphone. The matter is that it would be desirable that there was a possibility of control of a microphone activation by a voice as it is very inconvenient to conduct a broadcasting if you at some instant game don't tell anything, and against, for example the TV or other extraneous noises and sounds works.
Add please in audio settings possibility of record from a microphone with activation by a voice, such as in the TeamSpeak 3 program for voice communication.

PS Thank you in advance if you don't ignore my message


The Helping Squad
The NoiseGate in OBS is very similar to the Teamspeak Voice Activation, so you might wanna check this out a bit further!


I've personally used noise gate and it is rather lackluster. I use a TS relay server, still, in order to facilitate vox. TS has some sort of filtering algorithem built in that wont activate the mic unless some sort of human sounds are heard through it. Like if you make a hisssing or shushing sound it wont activate TS, unless it's quite a bit higher then normal voice levels. Where as with the noise gate it'll toggle on right away. It has other issues besides that which still persist

I made posts about this before. The noise gate needs additional functionality before it'll function as a proper piece of vox.


New Member
Jack0r said:
The NoiseGate in OBS is very similar to the Teamspeak Voice Activation, so you might wanna check this out a bit further!
Thanks a lot for council. I found at myself this control. And I also didn't know for what it. I adjusted, it is necessary to test only. If I more don't write in this topic, everything means well ;-)