Add Game Capture


New Member
1. please add support for transparency capture

2. more of a question than advice:

why, if the game window is 640x480, capture in OBS is full screen?


1. What exactly do you mean?
2. This is a something bug-like, it's caused by how the Game Capture works I think. Tick the Stretch to screen option to get rid of it :)


New Member
You can edit the scene and drag the corner outside of the OBS window and it'll still increase the size, allowing you to full screen it.


Forum Admin
Shad0wZ said:
You can edit the scene and drag the corner outside of the OBS window and it'll still increase the size, allowing you to full screen it.
His screenshot demonstrates that the red drag boxes are already maximized, meaning he can't make it bigger.


New Member
dodgepong said:
Shad0wZ said:
You can edit the scene and drag the corner outside of the OBS window and it'll still increase the size, allowing you to full screen it.
His screenshot demonstrates that the red drag boxes are already maximized, meaning he can't make it bigger.
You can go out of bound with that selection, i mean you can drag the red drag box outside of the OBS window and it'll still expand. The downside is you cant change it back and you have to recreate the scene.


Shad0wZ said:
dodgepong said:
Shad0wZ said:
You can edit the scene and drag the corner outside of the OBS window and it'll still increase the size, allowing you to full screen it.
His screenshot demonstrates that the red drag boxes are already maximized, meaning he can't make it bigger.
You can go out of bound with that selection, i mean you can drag the red drag box outside of the OBS window and it'll still expand. The downside is you cant change it back and you have to recreate the scene.

While this is true, it doesn't change the fact that his media player seems to be rendering the video on a plane the size of the desktop resolution. All that would need to happen is to full-screen the media player to fill the rest of the black area. Of course, this is probably undesirable, so he will likely have to wait for video playback to be added to OBS or use a 3rd party solution such as VCam in the interim.


Town drunk
For some reason, this happens with VLC. However, with Aero enabled, Window Capture should work well for VLC, but you have to sub region out the playback controls and top menu bar.


New Member
Zephiris said:
While this is true, it doesn't change the fact that his media player seems to be rendering the video on a plane the size of the desktop resolution. All that would need to happen is to full-screen the media player to fill the rest of the black area. Of course, this is probably undesirable, so he will likely have to wait for video playback to be added to OBS or use a 3rd party solution such as VCam in the interim.

It works for MPC as well, so no doubt it'll work for VLC. It's the only out of bounds scene I have just for that reason. And i have it so I can keep using the full screens of my computer without viewers actually seeing it. Even though it's currently not the intended use for it, this way works best for me.