Question / Help About upload bitrate and Offset


New Member
Hello all !

I'm posting here because i just download OBS classic to try to stream game me too, i give you some infos :

my internet : 17 Mb/s Down / 0.85 Mb/s Up

My rig : Msi Z170 A pro , 8 Gb DDR4 , GTX 950 2GB DDR5 , I5 6600K OC @ 4ghz

Game : Miscreated, Dayz etc.. Third/first person survival online games

My first idea was to set upload in OBS at 600 because it's the best i can give without any problems in online games but the fact is that even i set the slower preset for encoding and a resolution downscaled to 480p i can't reach something not hurting eyes. My conclusion was that i can't stream so because i need a bitrate around 2mb/s to have a good quality.

But , what about offset ? Is it possible to let my pc encode 480p and set a kind of offset around 10 minutes why not that will allow the download of all data of 480p ? I'm not sure if you understand me, don't blame my bad english. But i really want to stream those games in 480p and i though maybe it was possible to send 480p data and let them uploading with 600 Kbps and a offset ?

Can someone light me up please ?


New Member
Even if this feature was implemented. Your offset would increase over time to where the buffer would be too large to keep in memory. The only way this would make sense is if the buffer was written to disk (appending to a file) at your target bitrate and then a separate process/thread uploaded the file's contents as it happened. This is currently not possible with OBS nor do I think it will ever be implemented.