About Synchronization and Multitrack Video Recording


New Member
Hi guys.
I sometimes use OBS STUDIO to record video while playing guitar and singing, often with an evocative background image using GREEN SKREEN. Since there is a certain delay between picture and sound, I set the audio input recording to 220ms, and think it will be quite usable.
Since I also play bass guitar and piano, I have tried to make a video where I play all 3 instruments, by first importing the 1st recording as a media file. Then I make a new recording where I play bass guitar with the media file as a background. I use the same setting on audio input recording 220ms. If this had gone well, I would have used recording 2 as a background, and a new 3rd recording with me playing the piano.
Unfortunately, the synchronization is incorrect, both in picture and sound. Maybe a problem that can not be solved, or what?