About loop buffer


Forum Admin
You mean the replay buffer that's already in OBS studio with configurable amount of time to buffer? Sounds like exactly the same thing.

KO Teknik

New Member
no !
currentrly If you push and save the buffer, you save only buffer in a single file.

I mean a way like fraps , an option ( shortcut-key ) if pushed it will start recording with the video from buffer at the beginnin of the current record ! That mean only 1 video file...

It's really usefull and you will win a lot of time with that !
it's the most awesome feature from fraps and i never found it in another logiciel.

Read it :
To activate the loop buffer you simply have to press your record button down until the FPS counter turns pink, which means it has begun looping. Then when you press record like normally it will turn red, as usual, and the loop will be added to the beginning of the footage.

From here : https://starsurgeeve.wordpress.com/2014/04/04/fraps-trick-using-the-loop-buffer/


Forum Admin
Ah, my misunderstanding at first. I read the article again a few times and I understand what you mean now. Something like that is not currently possible.