Ability to use different computers.


New Member
Hello there, Firstly, i tought i'd like to start streaming but i dont like xsplit.. So i tought an alternative way and tought i'll test this out. Apparently i have issues with this, I can't run it on my computer ( XP home ). So i tried to find this software for xp but i'm on a bad luck streak.. Could this program be also available for XP users because i think there might be few to support this project along.
Yes, English is not my first language and I'm quite bad at this.( I'm not sure if this is the right place to post it aswell )

Thanks, BnB


According to the FAQ, Windows XP is not currently supported. http://obsproject.com/faq

Will this ever work on Windows XP? What about Mac and Linux?
Windows XP unfortunately lacks DirectX 10 features and the audio subsystem present in Vista and up that OBS makes use of, and as such, will never be supported. Mac and Linux are planned in the future once OBS has reached a more finalised state feature wise.

If you want a more in-depth understanding of why OBS does not support XP, Here is an excellent thread about it. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=401


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Forum Moderator
I should change the FAQ, "never" is a big word. I think a better way to put it is that it's extremely unlikely that I'll ever make an XP version personally. Someone out there could make the app work with XP though, any skilled and dedicated coders who wanted to say make an XP branch or something. They'd have to convert the graphics system to d3d9, they'd have to switch to directsound audio, they'd have to completely redo the software capture, and you'd probably have to throw out a ton of other awesome stuff.

It's just not worth it for me personally. Not that I get any money for my time anyway, being that this is a completely free program.


New Member
Thanks for the responses, now i understand why it has not been available for XP yet.. that makes me consider if i should switch to better operating system..