Question / Help Ability to save scenes in OBS?


Active Member
So basically, the question is if its possible to save the scene configuration to a file that can then either be archived or transferred to another computer? Similar to how XSplit does their presentation files?
No, that isn't the question - as the answer to save Scene Collection Settings is yes (Top Menu -> Scene Collection -> Export)
Copy 'n Paste a single scene within a collection, to another Scene Collection - no, with complex technical reason as to why, as noted previously


So why not use the import/export on the scene collection tab. Works for me. I back up my scene collections whenever I change them. They sometimes go strange when I move things around too much so I export them before and after major changes. If I screw them up, I just reset by importing my saved scenes. So you can export s scene collection, it's a json file, copy to your other computer and import there. Wallah, export/copy-move/import done deal.


New Member
I am in the midst of creating my first project. After setting things up the way I want for the production, I was wondering the same thing - how do I save this so that next week, when I stream again, the intro scene and the closing scene that I have created are available for me to place immediately in the scene selection section (bottom left) and that I do not have to recreate these two basic, but time consuming to create, scenes.

My initial project is as followings:
Intro Scene (same intro scene used for every project)
- this scene is comprised of 7 sources (images, text, etc.)​
Video Recording (this would change each time I create a project)
- this scene is comprised of my headset audio, webcam, and my gaming recording exe/window​
Closing Scene (same closing scene used for every project)
- this scene is comprised of 11 sources (images, text, background, etc.)​

So, I think what the original poster was asking was:
How do we 'save' the scenes we created (complex or simple) so that when we create a new recording/project, we can simply insert Intro Scene and Closing scene in the "Scenes" section, and then add our recording Scene (which could be different each time). It would basically save us from having to recreate those scenes each and every time.​
It would allow us to sit down, toss in Intro Scene and the Closing Scene in seconds, and then set up the recording scene and presto, we're ready to stream/record.

Now, what I've done is I've "exported" my scenes to a JSON file. I'm hoping that with the export, should "saving" not be a capability of OBS, that I should be able to start a new project and import the exported JSON file and presto, all items are back in the Scene section with the saved settings, transitions, etc.

Is that the 'save' method for OBS?

Hope that I'm sitting in front of my OBS project and I'm afraid to close it as I don't know if things auto-save or not or if I would be required to recreate the intro and closing scenes again (not the end of the world, but certainly adds an extra 20 minutes or so getting it set up each and every time).



New Member
UPDATE: So, I crossed my fingers after reading the JSON a couple times and felt confident I could import it back in as a worst case scenario.

I exported, saved to a local path, closed OBS.
I opened OBS and voila - my previous project was preloaded.
So, that alleviated my main fear.
I also tested importing into a new project (scene collection) and that worked as well.

So, to clearly answer the question: Yes, you can save and import and reuse scenes without having to recreate them over and over.



New Member
... ok, the question is obviously related to portability. I am using a "Portable Application File" version of OBS Studio, which means, the normal use model of persistent "scenes", is irrelevant. i have tried to "export" profiles and search for anything i can save/zip/etc, but have found nothing. this is kind of a shortcoming, since i have to begin literally from scratch every time. Anyway, an opportunity would be to export the scene collection into a later-importable file. kthx!