Ability to Edit Sources Without Changing Scenes?

Mo the Hawk

New Member
Has any consideration been made for the ability to edit scenes without having to show the scene live on stream? There are often times where I need to edit text sources on the fly, like changing a player or commentator name, but I have to click on the scene to get access to its sources to edit, and doing so shows the old/incorrect player/commentator name to the viewers before I can edit it.

Also what about showing/hiding multiple sources at once? You can select/highlight multiple sources with Ctrl+Click, but clicking a checkbox to show/hide a source only does so for the source you click on and ignores all the other ones you have selected/highlighted. This would be very useful for things like graphic overlays and status bars, where the text source overlaying them constantly needs to change, but you don't want to show the viewers an empty status bar while you change the text.

Thanks guys, excellent work on the application thus far - keep up the good work.